
Welcome to the Media Hub – home to information and resources about Australia Day to assist in compiling news stories.

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Media inquiries

Media inquiries can be directed to:

(02) 6120 0600

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you think most people see Australia Day as just a day off?

No, four in five Australians see Australia Day as being more meaningful than just a day off. It’s a day to come together to recognise our diversity and celebrate what we love about being Australian. It’s also an opportunity to acknowledge our complete and complex past, helping lay the path to a stronger future. Over half the country participate or mark the day in some way. Many people take this day as an opportunity to get together with family and friends, often at the hundreds of community-based events around the nation.

Do you think Australia Day is becoming more culturally inclusive?

There has been a shift in the past decade where more and more Australians recognise the importance of celebrating our national day – people from all walks of life. We are a multicultural nation, and we celebrate this on Australia Day. There are more citizenship ceremonies held on Australia Day than any other day, which is a fantastic way to welcome our newest Australians into the community. It’s vital that Australia Day is an inclusive day where everyone is welcome – to that end we all have a role to play in respecting different views of Australia Day, actively engaging with people of all backgrounds and understanding we all come from different cultures and experiences.

Who sets the date of Australia Day?

The date for Australia Day is decided by the Australian Government.

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